Virtual Panel: The Role of Philosophy in Nursing

The Center for Nursing Philosophy was honored to co-sponsor a live-streaming virtual panel event with the International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) on Thursday Aug. 27, 2020.

The panel was titled “The Role Of Philosophy In The Development And Practice Of Nursing: Past, Present And Future.”

The panel featured the following members of IPONS:

  • Catherine Green, RN, PhD, Emerita Professor of Philosophy, Rockhurst University, USA
  • Derek Sellman, PhD, RN, Associate Professor, University of Alberta, Canada
  • Pamela J. Grace, RN, PhD, FAAN, Associate Professor of Nursing and Ethics (Retired), Boston College, USA
  • Olga Petrovskaya, PhD RN, Assistant Professor, University of Alberta, Canada
  • Marit Kirkevold, EdD, RN, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
  • Miriam Bender, PhD, RN, Associate Professor, University of California, Irvine, USA
  • Jane Hopkins-Walsh, MSN, PNP-BC, RN, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Boston Children’s Hospital, USA
  • Esma Paljevic, EdD, RN, CPNP, Assistant Professor, Pace University New York, USA

The panel was organized into three sections and moderated by Dr. Green.

Drs. Grace and Sellman started the panel with a dialogue focused on the history and development of IPONS, including the launch of the journal Nursing Philosophy.

Drs. Petrovskaya and Kirkevold spoke to the current status of and streams of academic inquiry in nursing philosophy in Canada and Norway.

This was followed by a series of brief monologues on ideas for the future of nursing philosophy by Esma Paljevic, Jane Hopkins-Walsh, and Miriam Bender.

Dr. Green then led a lively Q&A session, discussing topics such as the connection between nursing theory and philosophy, integrating nursing philosophy into education and practice, and social justice and nursing, among others.

The panel was well-attended, with more than 250 registrants. Panel members are currently working on a manuscript summarizing the discussion; we will keep you updated on that.

Finally, while the event was recorded, unfortunately the recording became corrupted at some point during the event and so we cannot share with a wider audience; apologies to all those who have requested this.