Philosophical Writing Through Critical Reading Workshop

The Philosophical Writing Through Critical Reading Workshop is now accepting applications. The deadline is Nov. 30, 2023.

Nursing philosophy has been an important part of nursing scholarship since the inception of the discipline. Philosophical writing, however, is a distinct genre.

This workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to learn the genre: to learn how to critically read works in philosophy and to turn their critiques into publishable nursing philosophy essays.

The workshop will be a one semester/two quarter duration (from January 2024 to April 2024), during which we will meet via Zoom weekly at the start and move towards independent writing and group review toward the end of the workshop.

The workshop will begin with targeted readings and discussion of philosophical texts that will be selected based on participants’ stated interests. During the course of the workshop, participants will experiment with philosophical writing and be mentored by experienced faculty.

By the end of the workshop the participant is expected to have produced a solid basis for an essay suitable for publication or conference presentation.

Note: The workshop is open to students/faculty from any university, but there are no course credits being offered.

Learn more and apply by Nov. 30, 2023›