Dr. Nakia Best is an advocate for the importance of having a school nurse in every K-12 school. Best’s research focuses on how school health services improve health and education outcomes of school aged children and adolescents. Her work aims to leverage data to provide valuable insights into how school nurses and the services they provide improve student outcomes. Outside of her role at UCI, she is an Advisory Board Member of the School Nurses of California Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports the work of school nurses and programs that improve student well-being and academic success.
Research Interests
School health, data analytics, social determinants of health, health disparities, mixed-methods
Current Projects/Studies
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PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Nursing
Post Masters, Johns Hopkins University, Applied Health Informatics
MSN, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Nursing Education
BSN, Winston-Salem State University, Nursing
Honors and Awards
- 2023 UCI Research Associate’s Athalie R. Clarke Research Achievement Award in Nursing
- 2022-2024 NIH-NICHD Loan Repayment Program
- 2019 Journal of School Nursing (JOSN)/Sage Publication Scholarly Writing Award/li>
- 2018 UNC-Chapel Hill Frank Porter Graham Graduate and Professional Honor Society
- 2012-2014 Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence, Jonas III Nurse Leader Scholar
- 2012-2014 J&J-American Association of Colleges of Nursing Minority Faculty Scholar
- 2011 Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Scholar