Helping Kids Be Kids

Pediatric nurse in training, Rebekah Lieu, BS ’17, believes that kids should be allowed to be kids. Thanks to support from the Elizabeth C. Tierney Nursing Scholarship and the education and training she has received at the UCI Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing, she will soon be ready to bring her compassionate care and a little laughter to children battling illness.

Lieu chose UCI when she was 15, around the same time she chose nursing as her future profession.  When she took her first campus tour, she was so inspired by its friendliness and welcoming environment that she knew UCI was the place she wanted to learn and grow in her profession. Watch and listen to her story here.

As a scholarship recipient, Lieu feels even more empowered to become involved with her peers and her community. She’s the Nursing Science Student Association co-president and undergraduate representative for Nursing Science Student Affairs. For Lieu, being awarded the Tierney nursing scholarship means that she can continue to face new challenges, serve her community and brighten her patients’ days a little bit more.

Elizabeth and Thomas Tierney

Lieu wants to be there for her pediatric patients when they need care for a fall, an ailment or a broken bone. The colorful stickers and bright red flower on her ID badge convey her compassionate, youthful spirit and dedicated work ethic. In her own words, she humbly says, “Thank you, Thomas and Elizabeth Tierney and all the donors who believe in us and allow us to chase our dreams and make the world a little brighter for everyone else.”

Inspired by the critical need for scholarship support in the face of rising tuition costs, Tom and Elizabeth Tierney generously gifted an additional $100,000 to the Elizabeth C. Tierney Nursing Endowed Scholarship Fund.  This increased support will enable the nursing school to provide two additional student scholarships per year for a total of three.