The effectiveness of language-specific personal care education on Improving the Knowledge and Skills of Vietnamese American in-home supportive service caregivers

Journal of Transcultural Nursing; Thu Hoang Vu, Eunae Ju, Julie Rousseau, Lisa Gibbs, Neika Saville, Jung-Ah Lee; Published September 5, 2022; DOI: 10.1177/10436596221121331



In-Home Supportive-Services (IHSS) caregivers provide personal care assistance to low-income older adults. According to the California Social Service Department, 20.2% of IHSS caregivers spoke Vietnamese in one county. The purpose of this project was to improve the knowledge and skills among these Vietnamese American caregivers by providing a language-specific and culturally appropriate education on personal care.


The project used a pre- and post-test design. Under the guidance of nursing faculty, four Vietnamese-speaking nursing students provided a 2-hr educational program on personal care (e.g., bathing, oral care) to registered Vietnamese IHSS caregivers. A pre- and post-survey was conducted.


Overall, 55 caregivers completed the surveys. The surveys showed significant increases in confidence in knowledge and skills related to personal care topics (all ps < .001).


The findings demonstrated that the cultural and language-specific education was effective in increasing knowledge and confidence of Vietnamese IHSS caregivers related to personal care for older adults.


In-Home Supportive Service; Vietnamese; caregiver; ethnic minority; older adults; personal care education.