uc irvine school of nursing associate professor jung-ah lee is recruiting participants for a family caregiver studyCan we support you in your caregiving journey?

We are looking for family caregivers of community-dwelling persons with dementia (PWD) to participate in a National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute on Aging (NIA)-funded study at the UCI Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.

Our study explores the use of a home-delivered intervention, which includes stress reduction techniques by mindful breathing, compassionate support/listening and caregiving education to improve the caregiver’s health, well-being and positive interactions with the PWD.

The intervention involves education and stress-reduction skills delivered by community health workers in your home and preferred language.

Some participants will receive a total of nine home visits, while others may receive three.

You will be compensated up to $200 and a smartwatch and smart ring at the completion of the six-month study.

Home visits are scheduled at your convenience.


  • Age 18 and older
  • Self-report your ethnicity/race as Latino/Hispanic, Vietnamese, Korean or non-Hispanic White
  • Willing to wear a smart watch and smart ring for three months


Call Eilleen Sabino-Laughlin at 949-903-3355 or email ucicaregiverstudy@hs.uci.edu for more information.Tiếng Việt: 949-649-9514한국어: 949-690-8861Español: 949-750-9359Lead Researcher: Jung-Ah Lee, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAANEmail: jungahl@uci.eduPhone: 949-824-2855