Association Between Maternal HIV Stigma Among South Indian Mothers Living with HIV and the CD4 Count of Children Living with HIV

Valerie Pham, Adeline M. Nyamathi, Maria L. Ekstrand, Sanjeev Sinha, Kartik Yadav, Sanghyuk S. Shin; Original publication date: Dec. 11, 2021; DOI:


HIV stigma takes a multidimensional toll on a mother’s ability to care for herself and subsequently may impact her ability to care for her child, particularly when mother and child are seroconcordant. A cross-sectional analysis was conducted to examine the association between maternal HIV stigma and child CD4 count in rural India. We assessed 108 mother–child dyads and found that a one-unit increase in community stigma fear decreased child CD4 count by 352 cells (95% CI=− 603,− 102), highlighting the need to develop a better understanding of the consequences of HIV-related stigma on the compounded burden of care in households where mother and child both live with HIV.