Jung-Ah Lee named Gerontological Society of America fellow

Jung-Ah Lee uci school of nursing facultyAssociate Professor Jung-Ah Lee has been named a fellow in the Gerontological Society of America for her body of work supporting caregivers of loved ones with dementia.

Fellow status in the society is an acknowledgment of outstanding and continuing work in the field of gerontology.

Lee is currently the principal investigator on a $3.6 million National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute on Aging (NIA) research project to implement a home-based, culturally and language specific caregiving intervention for underserved dementia family caregivers.

As Lee notes, “Dementia takes a toll on caregivers. It often results in chronic stress, depression, sleep disorders, poor health-related quality of life and early mortality.”

Further, two-thirds of caregivers for persons with dementia (PWD) are women and most often family. One-third of them are also over 65, Lee notes.