Brianne Donaldson, Shri Parshvanath Presidential Chair in Jain Studies at UC Irvine, within the Program of Religious Studies and the Department of Philosophy, gave a very well-received talk on May 21, 2021, on “Bioethics and Jainism: From Ahimsā to an Applied Ethics of Carefulness.”
Brianne described the history of Jainism and bioethics and articulated four “applied tools of carefulness” that allow for “therapeutic practice” that is continually and purposely oriented to ahimsa, or nonviolence.
There were more than 65 registrants with diversity across the fields of nursing, philosophy, sociology, and the humanities, among others.
This prompted a broad scope for thoughtful questions and comments during the Q&A session, including discussions about how an ethics of carefulness could influence bioethical discourse on health/medical phenomena and clinical practice as well.