Dr. Candace Burton Authors New Publication Featured in the Journal of Forensic Nursing

Candace Burton

Candace Burton, PhD, RN, AFN-BC, AGN-BC, FNAP
Assistant Professor

Dr. Candace Burton received her PhD in Nursing Research in 2010 from the University of California San Francisco. Dr. Burton’s major interest area is in relationship or intimate partner violence and the long term effects thereof in women’s live. She study this in the context of adolescent and young adult health from a biobehavioral perspective, including exploration of genetic and epigenetic data, mental health, reproductive and sexual health, gender, and sexuality. She is particularly interested in the overall health outcomes of women who experienced the trauma of an abusive relationship and/or sexual assault as teenagers.

UC Irvine Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing Assistant Professor Dr. Candace Burton is the lead author of the new publication “Trauma-Informed Care Education in Baccalaureate Nursing Curricula in the United States: Applying the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials,” which was selected as Featured Content for the latest issue of the Journal of Forensic Nursing.

The publication discusses the practice of trauma-informed care (TIC) which allows nurses in any setting to identify and intervene with traumatized individuals and to create a continuum of care when forensic nursing services are needed. The full publication can be found online.