The Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing Master’s Entry Program in Nursing (MEPN) introduced a new course this past summer: NS 294: “Vulnerable Populations.” This independent study course will be offered in the summer between the first and second year of the MEPN program. This course focuses on group-designed immersion learning experiences with community organizations that serve vulnerable populations experiencing home insecurity. The course is designed with a service-learning based approach introducing the students to tolerance, empowerment, advocacy, community engagement, and social action as it relates to health. Student groups will collaborate with local community groups.
This summer, NS 294 students worked with the following organizations and populations experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity:
young women who are pregnant or post-partumstudents, youth, former foster youthhomeless in LAfamiliesveterans
The MEPN program at the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing is a popular and unique degree program for individuals who would like to study nursing after getting a non-nursing bachelor’s degree. The clinical training in MEPN is similar to that of the undergraduate BS program in nursing science, and graduates of the MEPN are eligible to take the NCLEX test for the RN license.
To learn more about the MEPN program, contact The Nursing Science Student Affairs Office at or visit our website