First Annual UCI Nursing Symposium Turns Innovative ideas into Practice

inaugural UCI Nursing Symposium

The inaugural UCI Nursing Symposium, scheduled to be held June 13, will bring the Orange County nursing community together to explore theories, approaches and strategies that can turn innovative ideas into practice.

The symposium is set to feature presentations by internationally recognized experts in the field of nursing, including Dr. Lorraine Evangelista who will present, “Empowering nurses to lead interprofessional collaborative practice environments: Implications for care of cardiovascular patients.” Also featured will be Clinical Nurse Specialist Maurice Esponiza who will present, “Standardizing and evaluating central line assessment and monitoring: Results of a multidisciplinary project.” Sessions are designed to promote a participatory environment and include hands-on interactive learning workshops and poster sessions.

“Participants in this program will gain an understanding of how to validate and implement new innovations, and how to turn those innovations into successful clinical practice,” said Miriam Bender, chair of the Nursing Symposium Planning Committee and assistant professor in the School of Nursing.

Upon completion of the symposium, attendees will earn eight Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Date, time and location

Wednesday, June 13, 2018
8 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
UC Irvine Medical Education Building, Colloquium Room 3070

Course description

Sessions are designed to promote a participatory environment and include hands-on interactive learning workshops and interactive poster sessions.

Upon completing this symposium, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the knowledge base for turning innovative ideas into successful clinical practice
  • Give examples of successful innovations in practice, including methods used to validate and implement the innovation
  • Apply strategies to validate and implement innovations into practice
  • Determine which higher education nursing programs are best for specific career goals

Attendees will earn eight continuing education units (CEUs).

Course fees and registration

$30 registration fee includes breakfast and lunch
$40 registration fee after May 15, 2018

Students who can show proof of enrollment in a nursing program will receive a $15 discount if they register by May 14. Student ID is required. Contact us at to learn more on how to obtain the discount.

Register Now


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